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Moodle Accessibility Collaboration Group
From: Rangin, Hadi Bargi
Date: Aug 5, 2013 6:39PM
- Next message: Chagnon | PubCom: "JOB: looking for someone to teach accessibility for web"
- Previous message: Chagnon | PubCom: "Re: DoJ delays website accessibility rules"
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Dear friends and colleagues,
We have the opportunity to shape the accessibility and usability of another learning management system.
We just started collaborating with Moodlerooms, and I would like to invite all interested parties to join this new collaboration group. I need to emphasize that all the provided accessibility enhancements and development will incorporate into Moodle core later on.
If you are a Moodle developer, administrator, instructor, student, instructional designer, decision maker for Moodle in your institution and willing to dedicate a few hours of your time a month to improving Moodle accessibility, please join us to make this powerful open source LMS even more accessible and usable.
Please go to http://collaborate.athenpro.org/group/moodle/ and follow the instructions on how to become a member.
This group is led by Marlene Zentz, a dear colleague of mine from the University of Montana.
Looking forward to seeing many of you in this group.
Hadi Rangin
IT Accessibility & Collaboration Coordinator
Disability Resources & Educational Services
University of Illinois
Phone: +1 (217) 244-0518
E-mail: <EMAIL REMOVED> <mailto: <EMAIL REMOVED> >
- Next message: Chagnon | PubCom: "JOB: looking for someone to teach accessibility for web"
- Previous message: Chagnon | PubCom: "Re: DoJ delays website accessibility rules"
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