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RE: turning off style sheets


From: Ian.Lloyd
Date: Oct 30, 2002 3:28AM


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Check out this tool:


This gives IE/Win users a right-click menu that disables style sheets on a
page-by-page basis.

I have a JavaScript version in my Favelets page which does the same thing:


There's two ways to quickly remove formatting!

Ian Lloyd, Electronic Channels
Nationwide Building Society

tel: 01793-655260
fax: 01793-656368

- -----Original Message-----
Sent: 25 October 2002 19:36
Subject: turning off style sheets

Dear list:

I often see responses that are couched in terms of "what if style sheets are
turned 'off'." I have two questions about this:

1) For the browsers I know, (IE, some Opera, NN old and new, Mozilla), one
doesn't so much turn stylesheets 'off', as much as one substitutes one's own
preferences in a given area (larger text, high contrast colors, etc.) Is
there in fact a way to turn stylesheets OFF entirely in modern browsers, or
is it always a case of substituting some or all of one's own preferences
into a local stylesheet?

2) Besides accessibility / colorblindness type issues, is there a good
reason why a user might be doing this? I'm not trying to be snotty, I just
honestly want to understand if there's a specific need being addressed.

3) As long as this is hardcore requirement, isn't CSS-positioning completely
off the table, or is 'graceful degradation' acceptable?

If the only reason to bend over backwards to create presentation solutions
that don't fall over when style sheets are removed is that edge-condition
nitpickers are going to give you a hard time for it, I will be hard to
persuade that it's worth the additional effort.

Lori Kay Brown
User Interface Engineer
SiteScape, Inc.

- -------- Original Message --------

==> From: "Leo Smith" < <EMAIL REMOVED> >
==> Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2002 14:21:04 -0400


Jukka's suggestion is a good one that should work for you, even if users do
not have style sheets enabled. Essentially, all that you are hiding with the
CSS is the bullet. If CSS is off, then you will simply get the bullet
followed by the section (2)(i) which you will enter textually.

You are preserving the structural markup of a list (albeit an unordered
versus an ordered one), whilst getting the presentation that you are looking
for, with the addition of a bullet when style sheets are switched off - not
a big deal.

My 2 cents...


On 24 Oct 2002, at 10:08, Glenda Watson Hyatt wrote:

> Thanks for the suggestion, Jukka. However, what happens when a uses > is
not viewing with stylesheets and thus can't find subsection (2)(i)? > I
guess I will stick with invalid markup [<p> within a <li>], till I > can
find a better solution. > > Cheers, > Glenda > > > As a workaround, though,
you might consider using <ul> markup with > > the numbers as explicit
content, and a CSS rule that suggests > > suppression of bullets: <style
type="text/css"> ul li { > > list-style-type: none; } </style> > > ... > >
<ul> > > <li>(1) foo > > <li>(2) bar > > </ul> > > > > --

Leo Smith Web Designer/Developer USM Office of Publications and Marketing
University of Southern Maine 207-780-4774

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