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Re: Making accessible online courses
From: Shuttlesworth, Rachel
Date: Aug 13, 2013 7:50AM
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Thanks, all. Here is what I plan to touch on in our faculty workshop for
Friday. Some of this will be just an introduction with follow-up meetings
and emails later on. Please keep in mind that this is the first workshop
like this we have done and that our faculty are starting from scratch,
having never been asked to consider accessibility in their use of
Blackboard Learn or anything else! We also do not have an institutional
mandate for accessibility yet, though a plan and policy statement should
be made in the next couple of months.
- About accessibility and why it matters: Video from NCDAE:
- Going beyond accommodation. Sometimes accommodations are not really how
we should be accomplishing these things. If you could just change how you
produce files in a small way, it makes the need for accommodation much,
much less.
- Simple choices can make accommodations unnecessary and allow ODS to
focus on unusual requests
- Not all persons who needs accommodations will register with Disability
Services. Think about wounded warriors, temporary conditions, other cases
where someone might not register but could still benefit from these
- Accessible design is more usable for everyone. Think about busy,
difficult-to-process websites you go to, for example.
Examples:Keyboard navigation, Alt text, Color Choices, Language choices,
-Basic accessibility in Blackboard Learn:
- What do you put in Blackboard? How do we make these content types
accessible? (Share tutorials for each) How do we tell vendors what we
expect them to do? (VPATs and checking their responses)
- PDFs, Word documents, Powerpoint presentations, HTML Content areas
created in Blackboard, Videos (Video Everywhere), Images, Exams,
Discussion Boards, Publisher/Textbook materials, Turnitin, Bb Collaborate,
Turning Tech Clickers, Respondus Lockdown Browser
Any suggestions you have are very welcome!!!
Dr. Rachel S. Thompson
Director, Emerging Technology and Accessibility
Center for Instructional Technology
University of Alabama
On 08/13/13 8:35 AM, "Denise Wood" < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
Yes please do Rachael
Best wishes
A/Professor Denise Wood
Associate Head of School: Teaching and Learning
School of Communication, International Studies and Languages
University of South Australia, C2-33C, Magill Campus, Magill 5072
Tel: +618 8302 4642 | Fax: +618 8302 4745
Professor (Adjunct EP)
Faculty of Education, The University of the Western Cape
Private Bag X17, Bellville 7535, Western Cape, South Africa
Phone South Africa: +21 766 166387
- Next message: Krack, Joseph@DOR: "Accessible PDF forms vendor"
- Previous message: Denise Wood: "Re: Making accessible online courses"
- Next message in Thread: Janet Sylvia: "Re: Making accessible online courses"
- Previous message in Thread: Denise Wood: "Re: Making accessible online courses"
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