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Re: FW: Javascript question
From: Alastair Campbell
Date: Aug 15, 2013 7:58AM
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Rick Hill wrote:
> It is not a matter of using one or another technology, but a matter of
> using them correctly.
> Check you abide by the client-side scripting techniques for WCAG 2.0 which
> deal with recommended and disapproved scripting usages.
> Use ARIA Techniques for WCAG 2.0 to define the semantics of non-standard
> controls, they are widely supported by major browsers
> Does this sound like an appropriate response?
It does to me. You might add a line about "Accessibility supported"
technologies, and JavaScript is as available to people with disabilities as
the general population, therefore considered supported by user-agents.
I bookmarked Matt May's post about JavaScript for all future questions on
this topic:
I would probably also add that using 'non-standard' widgets (i.e. ones that
need ARIA) generally need more testing to ensure for compatibility and
usability across assistive technologies. (http://whatsock.com/ should save
you some time there thought.)