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Re: PDF - when spcifying the language of a form using Lifecycle, is it enough to use the locale property?
From: Andrew Kirkpatrick
Date: Sep 24, 2013 2:25PM
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- Previous message in Thread: Trafford, Logan: "Re: PDF - when spcifying the language of a form using Lifecycle, is it enough to use the locale property?"
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On each page of the form you will probably have a main subform. Set the language for that in the accessibility palette and you're good to go as all objects within that subform will use the same language unless you specify that one of those objects needs a different language to match content in a different language.
You can think of it in a similar way to language in an HTML file. The difference is that when you assign the language at the form level (similar to assigning the language on the HTML element) the language setting isn't being set in the PDF. However, if you set the language on the top subform (like setting the language on the HTML body or top-level DIV element) then all content within that structure will share the same language.
Andrew Kirkpatrick
Group Product Manager, Accessibility
Adobe Systems
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- Next message in Thread: Rabab Gomaa: "Re: PDF - when spcifying the language of a form using Lifecycle, is it enough to use the locale property?"
- Previous message in Thread: Trafford, Logan: "Re: PDF - when spcifying the language of a form using Lifecycle, is it enough to use the locale property?"
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