WebAIM - Web Accessibility In Mind

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KBAccess collaborative database of good and bad examples of Web Accessibility


From: Jennifer Sutton
Date: Sep 30, 2013 10:18AM

Greetings, WebAIM:

Some of you may have seen what follows posted to the WAI-IG list
originally. With apologies for cross-posting, I'm posting the
information here to give this project wider exposure and to encourage
folks to contribute to this open source project.

It's nice to avoid wheel-reinvention whenever possible, I think.


At 02:57 PM 9/16/2013, Matthieu wrote:
>This is a follow-up of a discussion I began with Shawn six months
>ago at last European Accessibility Forum (in Paris, France).
>We discussed about BAD (Before After Demo) and the willing to have a
>bunch of examples of accessible and not-accessible examples. I
>talked about KBAccess, an opensource project I created.
>I would be very happy to hear from you about it. Here is its description.
>* Collaborative knowledge base
>KBAccess is a collaborative knowledge base of good / bad examples of
>accessibility. An example is the combination of:
>- a web page (from a real existing website)
>- an accessibility test (for instance Success Criteria 1.1.1 or Technique F17)
>- a result (passed or failed)
>- a possible comment left by the reporter of the example (e.g. to
>point out the location of the issue in the page)
>All of this is stored in a database, in order to be easily
>searchable. The webpage is also copied (archived), so that it is
>"freezed" and changes no more in time.
>* History of the project
>The project was first started back in 2009, as an internship
>project. As a former accessibility consultant, I had always missed
>such a database for demos or training (that meant examples should
>"live forever", in order to build a sustainable database). We also
>needed a bunch of real examples to challenge the accessibility
>evaluation tool we develop.
>* Opensource
>As an opensource enthusiast, I wanted it to be free (AGPL license)
>and collaborative. KBAccess (the application itself) is available at
><http://www.kbaccess.org/>;http://www.kbaccess.org/ and the source
>code is on GitHub
>* Data and why only now
>Started 4 years ago, KBAccess is filled with 650+ examples by 50+
>contributors (well honestly, a few of them are really prolific). As
>we are french, we first supported the local accessibility references
>(AccessiWeb & RGAA).
>The last version, just released last week, now includes WCAG support
>(and off course is fully internationalised) That's why we bring it
>to your attention only at the moment.
>* Feedback
>As I told you, I wonder what your feedback could be. What is your
>thinking about the project ? Would it be of interest to you ? To
>others ? Would you like to contribute ? (examples ? code ?)
>I would love to hear you about it (even if you don't like it !)
>Thank you in advance
>Phone: +33 9 72 11 26 06
>Mobile: +33 6 73 96 79 59
>Twitter: <http://twitter.com/mfaure>;@mfaure
>Tanaguru <http://www.Tanaguru.org/>;free-libre software for
>accessibility assessment
>KBAccess <http://www.kbaccess.org/>;collaborative database of good
>and bad examples of Web Accessibility