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Re: Seeking examples of color as meaning in web content/design?
From: Cameron Cundiff
Date: Oct 14, 2013 9:06AM
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Here is an example from EmberUI, a UI framework built on EmberJS, that
shows three inputs on the left side that have no error messaging, only red
outlines. On the right, there are inputs that have red outline and a
message "You need to enter a location". Note also that the inputs shown in
the image do not have (visible) labels, only placeholders.
[image: Inline image 2]
On Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 10:41 AM, McMorland, Gabriel C < <EMAIL REMOVED> >wrote:
> Please post examples of websites or documents that use color as meaning. I
> am looking for graphics that I can use in a presentation to my team at our
> office.
> I get the concepts, but I'm having trouble searching for images because
> I'm blind. If anyone has some textbook examples, I'd love to borrow them.
> > > >
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