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RE: Accessible content / news sites
From: Jericho Consulting
Date: Nov 25, 2002 8:02AM
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- Next message in Thread: Kynn Bartlett: "Re: Accessible content / news sites"
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How about the new Google news site: http://news.google.com/
Its fairly good as is, but also has a text-only version. The only
glaring issue I see is that it links to a variety of other news sites,
which may or may not be accessible.
Joyce P. Kennedy, A.T.P.
Jericho Consulting
WEB SITE: http://www.webjericho.com
- Next message: Zastrow, Laura: "RE: Text Only Site (Was: Calling all handsome accessible sites)"
- Previous message: Michael R. Burks: "RE: detecting assistive technology"
- Next message in Thread: Kynn Bartlett: "Re: Accessible content / news sites"
- Previous message in Thread: Ineke van der Maat: "Re: Accessible content / news sites"
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