WebAIM - Web Accessibility In Mind

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Accessibility and web applications


From: Liko, Todd
Date: Apr 2, 2014 4:01AM

Hello all.

I have a colleague who came to me for advice about his web application. He has already received advice from another individual and is looking for a second opinion. My opinion differs from the other individual's. I am hoping to get some feedback in here.

The web application in question has a details screen where one can update the information about an employee and then click on the 'Save' button to save that information into a database. The application contains a left hand navigation menu and mega menu. If the information is not saved before navigating away from the page, the information will not be saved to the database.

The other individual is saying my colleague must include a notice on every details page, warning the user that the information input will not be saved if they navigate away from the page before clicking 'Save'. In addition, if that happens, any information entered must be retained, should the user come back to the details page, regardless of how many links navigated away from the page.

In my opinion, this is not an accessibility issue as much as it is a usability issue. The help file for the application does mention information must be saved before navigating away from the details page. I also believe the user is making a conscious decision to navigate away from the page and retaining the information entered is not required.

That being said, if providing this notice can be done without re-engineering the application, my advice is to do it, but it is more of a courtesy than a requirement.

