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Re: accessibility issue in infinite scrolling
From: Jesse Hausler
Date: May 28, 2014 3:53PM
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- Next message in Thread: Musthafa KP: "Re: accessibility issue in infinite scrolling"
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On a PC with a standard browser, we do infinite scrolling. In general if
you navigate near the end of the page the scroll will occur. It doesn'
matter how you get there, whether its by tabbing there, dom traversal,
jumping by heading and so on.
On iOS, you wan to avoid divs with overflow hidden. That will make iOS
VoiceOver see a single page.. and scrolling will only work if you flick
through the dom.
On Android with its spiffy 2 finger scrolling, pretty much anything goes.
Scroll to the bottom and more will load. The location indicators will even
update. So "Showing 1 to 10 of 20" will change to "Showing 10 to 20 of 30"
as appropriate.
On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 7:33 AM, < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
> Are your designers open to the idea of infinite scroll being an option?
> For example, in the search engine Duck Duck Go, infinite scroll is the
> default users can turn it off and replace it with standard pagination. As
> long as this option is easy to find, this might provide the best compromise
> for usability. (Infinite scroll is not just an accessibility issue; a lot
> of usability folks find failures in infinite scroll in user testing,
> depending on the application.)
> -Deborah Kaplan
> On Wed, 28 May 2014, Musthafa KP wrote:
> Hi all
>> I'm working on a web app which uses infinite scroll for pagination. How
>> can
>> I enable this interaction to screen reader? What approach should I follow
>> to make it available to popular screen readers like nvda/jaws. Any help is
>> highly appreciated.
>> Thanks
>> mkp
>> >> >> >>
> --
> > > >
- Next message: Bryan Garaventa: "Re: the state of contenteditable"
- Previous message: Jesse Hausler: "Re: the state of contenteditable"
- Next message in Thread: Musthafa KP: "Re: accessibility issue in infinite scrolling"
- Previous message in Thread: deborah.kaplan@suberic.net: "Re: accessibility issue in infinite scrolling"
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