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Re: Online courses for web accessiblity for the business user
From: Whitney Quesenbery
Date: Jun 26, 2014 6:46AM
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If I can do a little self-promotion, the book I wrote with Sarah Horton, A
Web for Everyone, is aimed at people who may not be deeply technical, but
work in design, usability, content, QA, etc.
On the publisher's site, you can bundle the print book with ePub, MOBI, and
DAISY versions: http://rosenfeldmedia.com/books/a-web-for-everyone/
There are also a lot of resources freely available including our Accessible
UX principles and guidelines with a cross-walk to WCAG, personas, (
Our podcast, A Podcast for Everyone, is also on the site with downloads,
transcripts, and a link to iTunes.
On Wed, Jun 25, 2014 at 3:24 PM, Karen Mardahl < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
> Hi Nancy
> On Wed, Jun 25, 2014 at 7:39 PM, Nancy Johnson < <EMAIL REMOVED> >
> wrote:
> > I am now working with technical writer who is new to accessibility and
> > wondering if there was any online training geared for non technical
> > and QA people in accessibility.
> >
> I think there are many great resources out there, but to avoid overwhelming
> a newcomer to accessibility, I try to restrain myself and just list these
> 3.
> 1. The articles on accessibility at 4 Syllables in Australia:
> http://www.4syllables.com.au/articles/. In the section covering
> accessibility -
> http://www.4syllables.com.au/category/articles/accessibility/ - your
> technical writer will find plenty to keep busy. In fact, just go straight
> to the first article in a special 17-part series of articles:
> http://www.4syllables.com.au/2010/09/accessibility-web-writers-part-1/.
> 2. The "Just Ask" book by Shawn Lawton Henry is brilliant. It's an online
> book, so you can't beat the cost! (There's a paper version, too. Plus, a
> second edition is planned for 2014.) Visit
> http://uiaccess.com/JustAsk/index.html today!
> 3. Finally, this list lives in the home of a mountain of useful resources
> for your technical writer: http://webaim.org!
> Well, OK, I'll squeeze in one more resource. WAI. Start with the overview
> at http://www.w3.org/WAI/gettingstarted/Overview.html and then dive in
> where it looks most relevant to your needs. A lot of good people have put
> and are putting a lot of energy into making this a valuable resource that
> answers your questions. Pay them back by using the site and sharing it.
> Regards, Karen Mardahl, tweeting at @stcaccess as a technical writer who is
> passionate about accessibility, but who has lately been swamped with too
> much work to tweet
> > > >
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- Next message in Thread: Karen Mardahl: "Re: Online courses for web accessiblity for the business user"
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