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Re: Intuitiveness of JAWS jump to tabpanel shortcut for ARIATabs in FF?
From: Léonie Watson
Date: Jul 4, 2014 2:55AM
- Next message: Birkir R. Gunnarsson: "Re: Intuitiveness of JAWS jump to tabpanel shortcut for ARIA Tabs in FF?"
- Previous message: Bryan Garaventa: "Intuitiveness of JAWS jump to tabpanel shortcut for ARIA Tabs in FF?"
- Next message in Thread: Birkir R. Gunnarsson: "Re: Intuitiveness of JAWS jump to tabpanel shortcut for ARIA Tabs in FF?"
- Previous message in Thread: Bryan Garaventa: "Intuitiveness of JAWS jump to tabpanel shortcut for ARIA Tabs in FF?"
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Bryan Garaventa wrote:
"I've tried pressing Insert+Alt+M as instructed, and personally it's like
trying to do finger gymnastics using both hands."
Some key commands come easily to the fingertips, but this one I always have
to stop and think about before executing.
I'm guessing m is the chosen key because of the m for move mnemonic, but
coupled with insert and alt, it's very awkward. It would be easier,
physically speaking, if the chosen key was located on the left hand side of
the keyboard, although I'm struggling to think of a user friendly mnemonic
for any of the keys in that part of the board.
@LeonieWatson Carpe diem
- Next message: Birkir R. Gunnarsson: "Re: Intuitiveness of JAWS jump to tabpanel shortcut for ARIA Tabs in FF?"
- Previous message: Bryan Garaventa: "Intuitiveness of JAWS jump to tabpanel shortcut for ARIA Tabs in FF?"
- Next message in Thread: Birkir R. Gunnarsson: "Re: Intuitiveness of JAWS jump to tabpanel shortcut for ARIA Tabs in FF?"
- Previous message in Thread: Bryan Garaventa: "Intuitiveness of JAWS jump to tabpanel shortcut for ARIA Tabs in FF?"
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