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Re: Intuitiveness of JAWS jump to tabpanel shortcut for ARIA Tabs in FF?


From: Birkir R. Gunnarsson
Date: Jul 4, 2014 8:11AM

If you press JawsKey-F2, then "k" for "keyboard manager", press enter
to activate it for curren application, then tab into the scripts, you
can reassign keys to the most frequently used scripts from within that
area (on the script you want, just press alt-a, the combination you
want and enter).
That being said, yes, the lack of standard traditions for keyboard
widgets is trouble for accessibility for both screen reader and
keyboard only users.
For instance, should users always expect to be able to use their arrow
keys to move between tabs in a tablist, an the tab key will only move
focus to the active tab?
I like this pattern if it weren't for the fact that it is not obvious
to me and not consistent across all websites.
Some simply map links to tabs but do not set tabindex to -1 for all
the inactive tabs.
But that is a discussion for a whole different thread.

On 7/4/14, David Farough < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
> Hi Brian:
> I almost never use this facility. Like you I find the keystrokes
> required to do this more trouble than it's worth. It seems strange to
> me that this feature is not provided for users of Internet Explorer. I
> think that it would be much better if pressing tab would take you to the
> beginning of content in the tab panel. this is an example of a problem
> that many users will experience because there is no standard way to use
> these elements.
> David Farough
> coordonateur de l'accessibilité
> /Application Accessibility Coordinator
> Direction des services d'information technologiques /
> Information Technology Services Directorate
> Commission de la fonction publique /Public Service Commission
> Courriel / Email: <EMAIL REMOVED>
> Tél / Tel. (819) 420-8418
>>>> "Bryan Garaventa" < <EMAIL REMOVED> > 04:23 AM Friday,
> July 04, 2014 >>>
> I was wondering how intuitive JAWS users find the shortcut for jumping
> to a tabpanel container when interacting with an ARIA Tab
> group in Firefox.
> >
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