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Re: Acrobat Read Out Loud mistakenly reads letter as RomanNumeral


From: Nusbaum, Christopher
Date: Jul 17, 2014 12:47PM


I understand what you are saying, but could those users of whom you speak not use NVDA, WindowEyes for Office or even Narrator? If they're using Read Out Loud only when using Acrobat to read PDF's, what are they using in all other situations? It is true that seniors or the newly blind want something simple with a more gradual learning curve, and therefore wouldn't be as interested in a more advanced program like JAWS or VO on the Mac. However, there are free solutions which support more functionality and are more robust than Read Out Loud. I agree with you that our ultimate goal ought to be a more robust and reliable version of ROL from Adobe. Until that day comes, however, I feel we do a disservice to those who are newly blind by not teaching them the better free solutions which exist. All of this, of course, is IMHO only.


Christopher A. (Chris) Nusbaum, Intern
Technology Services Department
Assistive Technology Program
Carroll County Public Schools
Phone: (410) 751-3428
Cell: (443) 547-2409