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Re: Accessibility for a sticky menu
From: Mallory van Achterberg
Date: Aug 16, 2014 1:28AM
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On Wed, Aug 13, 2014 at 12:01:03PM +0000, Mona Rekhi wrote:
> How do we indicate the use of color as a selection on a sticky menu link when a user reaches its corresponding region?
I always get lots of things, menus being only one of them, where some
visual bit is supposed to let the user know who's currently selected.
I always have offscreen spans with relevant text like "current" next
to that item. Now I don't have to worry about funky ARIA support,
and usually making it happen is a combination of my HTML templates
and the Javascript who's making the selected thing have its little
arrow or colour or whatever.
> And how does one make a sticky menu keyboard accessible?
Having a quick-access in-page link could be nice.
Think of what you'd use if the menu wasn't sticky but stayed in
place somewhere on the page.
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