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Re: resolving conflict between JAWS and key-press events for navigating large drop-down menus
From: Bryan Garaventa
Date: Aug 22, 2014 2:02PM
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- Next message in Thread: Jonathan Avila: "Re: resolving conflict between JAWS and key-press events for navigating large drop-down menus"
- Previous message in Thread: Michael Tangen: "resolving conflict between JAWS and key-press events for navigating large drop-down menus"
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In looking at the code, the ARIA attribute markup isn't correctly applied, which is one reason why these differences are occurring. E.G the role=menuitem and aria-haspopup attributes are applied on elements that are not focusable while links are embedded within, which are. Also, the paradigm for a menu is to have one tab stop for one menu structure, as with a standard OS menu.
The guide at
Explains how to correctly implement ARIA menus, within the section " ARIA, Important Details".
- Next message: Dr. Jacqueline A. Alkire: "Re: Blind mother sues Seattle schools over website"
- Previous message: Mallory van Achterberg: "Re: Animated Gifs"
- Next message in Thread: Jonathan Avila: "Re: resolving conflict between JAWS and key-press events for navigating large drop-down menus"
- Previous message in Thread: Michael Tangen: "resolving conflict between JAWS and key-press events for navigating large drop-down menus"
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