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Re: resolving conflict between JAWS and key-press events for navigating large drop-down menus


From: Michael Tangen
Date: Aug 28, 2014 3:35PM

Thanks for passing that along, David. I'll take a look and take that into
consideration. The keyboard behavior of the menu (as it is now) has been
deliberated about considerably by our team from a usability perspective
(what we know most end users would expect from a visual response).

On Thu, Aug 28, 2014 at 2:36 PM, David Farough < <EMAIL REMOVED> >

> Hi Michael:
> Have you looked at the keyboard interaction for menus found in
> http://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-practices/#menu
> I noticed that using the left arrow when within a submenu does not
> close the submenu, but moves up to the previous menu item instead. The
> escape key and the left arrow should close the submenu placing focus on
> the parent. I noticed that pressing escape closed the menu completely
> regardless of the menu item with focus.
> David Farough
> coordonateur de l'accessibilité
> /Application Accessibility Coordinator
> Direction des services d'information technologiques /
> Information Technology Services Directorate
> Commission de la fonction publique /Public Service Commission
> Courriel / Email: <EMAIL REMOVED>
> Tél / Tel. (819) 420-8418
> >>> Michael Tangen < <EMAIL REMOVED> > 02:26 PM Thursday, August
> 28, 2014 >>>
> Thanks all for the helpful feedback. Would you be willing to take a
> look
> at the menu with the changes? http://designbymichael.com/test/menu/
> >
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