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Keyboard navigation using arrows only
From: Jordan Wilson
Date: Sep 2, 2014 12:24PM
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A question about keyboard navigation using arrow-only navigation instead of tabbing. Is that at all acceptable? A client site has good keyboard navigation if you use the arrow keys alone and they inform users that their site is optimized to be used that way. Unfortunately the site doesn't work at all with standard tabbing through content.
I'm assuming that isn't acceptable, but since the arrow key navigation is actually quite good it seems intentional. They clearly spent a lot of time and effort ensuring the arrow navigation, so I figured I'd ask the community.
- Next message: Jared Smith: "Re: Keyboard navigation using arrows only"
- Previous message: Howard Kramer: "Accessing Higher Ground 2014: Early-bird Registration Now Open!"
- Next message in Thread: Jared Smith: "Re: Keyboard navigation using arrows only"
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