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Re: Keyboard navigation using arrows only
From: Sean Curtis
Date: Sep 4, 2014 3:16PM
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Also, I didn't intend for me earlier reply to dissuade people from making dropdown menus accessible. For a simple menu (no radios, checkboxes, group headings or submenus) using both aria-activedescendant and explicit focus (if probably recommend aria-activedescendant) performed well in most of the browser-AT combos. The markup pattern was also quite simple and didn't need to change between Win and OSX.
> On 5 Sep 2014, at 3:26 am, "Wyant, Jay (MNIT)" < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
> This conversation highlights, to me, the need for:
> - publicly available, reusable pattern libraries
> - fervent bug reporting to AT manufacturers
> As much as we all want accessibility to work, when executives look at the price Atlassian paid for 9 months of work to make a dropdown menu (add up development hours, testing hours, debugging hours, and pretty soon you get into real money) many are going to decide it isn't worth it. So we need to make sure that future efforts can build upon Michael's and Sean's work and Bryan's bug reports and all other related work.
> Jay
- Next message: John Martyn: "Re: Accessibility of Microsoft Onenote"
- Previous message: Sean Curtis: "Re: Keyboard navigation using arrows only"
- Next message in Thread: Stanzel, Susan - FSA, Kansas City, MO: "Re: Keyboard navigation using arrows only"
- Previous message in Thread: Sean Curtis: "Re: Keyboard navigation using arrows only"
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