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Re: Accessable Message boards?
From: Andrew Johns
Date: Jan 14, 2003 3:16PM
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> 1.I have used Vbulletin in the past and also PHPBB. Does anyone know of
> a board that is designed to be accessible.
> If not can you tell me which one you think is the best in design for
> accessibility?
I'm working on one now, though admitedly I've only just started work on it.
I've got a fair bit of knowledge on Accessibility, having worked as the
technical point of contact at my last company regarding accessibility and
web standards, so I'm putting it to use by creating a message board from
It's being written in ASP, but I have plans to do it in PHP as well once the
ASP version is finished. The message board system (which will be known as
CABB during it's development stage until a better name can be found) is
likely to be part of a larger system such as a news system, voting polls,
etc, all of which will be designed for accessibility in mind.
With that said, would you like to help me with the task? I'd love to hear
your suggestions on features and improvements, and help with testing..
I look forward to your reply,
Andrew Johns
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2003 2:07 PM
Subject: Accessable Message boards?
> Two different questions:
> 2.Also are there any message boards out there subject to accessibility?
> ----
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