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arai-describedby and aria-hidden


From: Ricardo Sánchez
Date: Feb 4, 2015 6:09AM

Hello all:

I would like to know your opinion on a combination of the aria-describedby
labels and aria-hidden that I am using. My idea is to prevent users of
screen readers listen redundant content. I've tested with JAWS 15 and NVAD
2014 in IE 8, IE 11, Chrome 40 and Firefox Safari 3.6.23y with Voiceover on
iOS in August. I have not encountered any problems. Am I missing something?
Would there be any scenario in which this code could be problematic?

The code is:

<label for = "nif"> NIF </ label>
<input type = "text" id = "nif" aria-describedby = "formatonif" />
<p id = "formatonif" aria-hidden = "true"> Do not leave space between
letters and numbers </ p>

Thanks in advance.

Warm regards.
Ricardo Sanchez