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Re: arai-describedby and aria-hidden


From: Birkir R. Gunnarsson
Date: Feb 5, 2015 6:00AM

Well said folks, I agree that this is certainly doable, but not
necessarily a bet practice.
For this particular example it would be ok, but what if the hint said,
say "in case you are unable to log on, call our customer service at 1
800 444 5969, ext. 19827 098 9663888 799 0) (.. for those who have
seen the I.T. Crowd, you probably get the reference).
In other words, if the hint text contains something that the user
needs to memorize or explore, they need to be able to traverse the
hint character by character, copy and paste etc.
Still, I like the thought behind what you did, it is a creative use of
the fact that aria-describedby overrides hidden settings.
You never know when ideas come in handy, so thanks for posting this one.
P.s. Jaws will not read targets of aria-describedby when the verbosity
setting is set to "intermediate" or "advanced", so Jaws users would be
completely unable to see this text in any mode, if they have their
verbosity set that way.

On 2/4/15, Ricardo Sánchez < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
> Susie, Jared, Don, Léonie,
> Thank you very much for your contributions. Clearly it is not good
> practice.
> Best regards.
> Ricardo Sanchez
> > > >

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