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Current technology for users with accessibility needs
From: Deborah Hinderer Sova
Date: Feb 14, 2003 3:30PM
- Next message: Holly Marie: "Timed-Text - a need for interoperable captioning options and authoring solutions"
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I'm posting this for a colleague. Would you please send replies directly to
I'm trying to find information on the current state of technology for
products such as screen readers and other accessibility devices. I've
looked around at the w3c advisory for creating accessible web pages and
applications but I need to understand more about the devices
themselves. Most of the actual product web-sites I've gone to offer
very little in explanation. Any URLs you know of or information you
can offer would be greatly appreciated. In the mean time, I'll keep
Thomas Sola
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- Next message: Holly Marie: "Timed-Text - a need for interoperable captioning options and authoring solutions"
- Previous message: Ian Lloyd (Accessify.com): "New features on Accessify"
- Next message in Thread: Michael R. Burks: "RE: Current technology for users with accessibility needs"
- Previous message in Thread: Ian Lloyd (Accessify.com): "New features on Accessify"
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