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Advertisements and Accessibility


From: Dennis Deacon
Date: Apr 2, 2015 5:47PM

I read much on accessibility as it relates to content, UI features, etc.
What about advertisements?


Banners, tiles, etc.: Of course, alt text. Of course text on graphic, that
text needs to be in the alt text.
However, is anyone taking the opportunity to craft the alt text in a
meaningful way when read out by a screen reader?
Examples: placing the word "Ad" at the beginning of the alt text, placing
the call-to-action up front, etc.?


Ok, yes, I'm talking Flash. Some advertisers still demand animated ads in
the Flash format. But support for alt text in Flash low, user animation
control isn't implemented, etc. How are other organizations handling this
for the sake of accessibility? Promoting dropping Flash/animation?
Alternatives to Flash (HTML5/Canvas/SVG)?

Would love to here what others are doing. Thanks in advance.
