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Re: Please test our expanding content


From: Paul J. Adam
Date: Apr 3, 2015 10:43AM

I'm not getting a selected state indicated to VoiceOver on OS X Safari. The role and the state need to be on the same element, the focusable element. Right now the tab role is on a parent element of the <a href aria-expanded> element. You might need aria-selected=true as well as aria-expanded.

Here's a working example, http://pauljadam.com/demos/aria-expanded.html <http://pauljadam.com/demos/aria-expanded.html>;.

I recommend making the role either button or tab and not link because link does not work with aria-expanded on iOS/VO.

Paul J. Adam
Accessibility Evangelist
www.deque.com <http://www.deque.com/>;
> On Apr 3, 2015, at 11:26 AM, Angela French < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
> Hello,
> We are testing initial html templates of our new redesign built for us by a contractor. I would be very grateful if anyone would be willing to take a look at this test page and let me know if the expanding/collapsing content is accessible to screen reader users. It tests nicely for me with keyboard only.
> http://sbctc.edu/redesign/high-school.html
> The expanding/collapsible content is under the "Top Questions" heading. The first one is expanded by default.
> Thank you very much.
> Angela French
> Internet Specialist
> State Board for Community and Technical Colleges
> 360-704-4316
> www.checkoutacollege.com<;http://www.checkoutacollege.com>;
> www.sbctc.edu<;http://www.sbctc.edu>;
> > > >