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Re: Please test our expanding content


From: _mallory
Date: Apr 3, 2015 11:24AM

On Fri, Apr 03, 2015 at 11:43:06AM -0500, Paul J. Adam wrote:
> Here's a working example, http://pauljadam.com/demos/aria-expanded.html <http://pauljadam.com/demos/aria-expanded.html>;.

How does a developer know when the aria-expanded goes on the expander
and when it goes on the thingie getting expanded?

I thought you'd put aria-expanded=true/false on the hidden/shown p
there, not the controlling link. The link doesn't itself expand
or contract.

I know the specs say either way, but that's 100% unhelpful for
stupids like me trying to figure out which of the 2 ways actually
makes sense.
