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Re: html sectioning elements


From: Jonathan Avila
Date: Apr 3, 2015 11:38AM

Header should be within the section. The header elwment may contain additional content other than jus a heading such as a search field, logos or table of contents.


> On Apr 3, 2015, at 1:28 PM, Angela French < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to wrap my head around the html 5 sectioning elements, specifically - header, section, article. I am seeing articles that contradict each other in the proper usage and order of these elements. I am interested in your opinions on:
> Should the <header> element be nested within a <section> or preceding it? For example:
> <header>
> <h1>This is my top level heading</h1>
> </header>
> <section><p>paragraphs of content here</p></section>
> Or:
> <section>
> <header><h1>top level heading</h1></header>
> <p>paragraphs of content here</p>
> </section>
> In either case, the use of <header> seems redundant to be since <h1> seems to adequately communicates its purpose.
> Thank you,
> Angela French
> Internet Specialist
> State Board for Community and Technical Colleges
> 360-704-4316
> www.checkoutacollege.com<;http://www.checkoutacollege.com>;
> www.sbctc.edu<;http://www.sbctc.edu>;
> > > >