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Re: What makes screen-readers say "clickable"?


From: Lynn Holdsworth
Date: Apr 7, 2015 5:33AM

Hi Karen,

Yes, screenreaders use different criteria for deciding which elements are clickable. VoiceOver, for example, considers an element to be clickable if it or any of its ancestors has an OnClick event handler attached.

Best, Lynn

> On 7 Apr 2015, at 12:14, Carin Headrick < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
> Hi. I don't know if this is readily discoverable, but I figured I'd ask.
> So many times, JAWS or NVDA will come upon an element and say it's clickable when there is nothing clickable about it. What exactly is it picking up on? Are they both picking up on the same thing, or do they each have their own set of criteria for saying something is clickable?
> If anybody has any ideas, that would be awesome.
> Thanks,
> Carin
> > > >