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RE: Title attribute on span tags
From: jeb
Date: Mar 5, 2003 1:01PM
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Your message was rather timely as I was in the middle of this ABBR/ACRONYM
conundrum when you message arrived. I just finished reading your rant and
found it useful for my purposes...so thank you.
Not to stir up a hornet's nest, muddy the water or any other choice
metaphor, but...
What is the suggested approach if one is creating a multiple page document
and the abbreviation/acronym is found on multiple pages. Is it sufficient to
only include the details in the "beginning" of the document? Or, must there
be an detail on every page?
Talk about splitting hairs...!! I think it is "cabin fever" getting to me
here in Maine.
John E. Brandt
Web-dude for Maine CITE (www.mainecite.org)
Augusta, ME 04330
www.jebswebs.com <http://www.jebswebs.com>
- Next message: Jared Smith: "Re: Accessible Printing Alternatives?"
- Previous message: julian.rickards@ndm.gov.on.ca: "RE: accessible form feedback"
- Next message in Thread: Jukka K. Korpela: "RE: Title attribute on span tags"
- Previous message in Thread: Paul Bohman: "RE: Title attribute on span tags"
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