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RE: accessible form feedback
From: Paul Bohman
Date: Mar 5, 2003 2:38PM
- Next message: Cohen, Lisa A.: "RE: Title attribute on span tags"
- Previous message: Jared Smith: "Re: Accessible Printing Alternatives?"
- Next message in Thread: Paul Bohman: "RE: accessible form feedback"
- Previous message in Thread: Joy M. Hyzny: "accessible form feedback"
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The form looks quite good. I can tell you've put the effort into making it
accessible. There are only a couple of items that need attention. I ran it
through the WAVE at www.wave.webaim.org (here's a direct link to the
processed page:
.uic.edu/%7Ecdiaz3/CCSPD.html). If you're unfamiliar with the WAVE, you may
want to see the explanation of icons (see the link near the top of the page
in the WAVE).
You just need to add labels to your <select> elements and a <legend> to one
of your <fielset> tags. Actually, the fieldset that is missing a legend
doesn't look like it needs to be a fieldset at all. You might want to delete
the fieldset tag, since there is only one form element inside.
When you say that you have problems with Netscape, I'm not sure what you're
referring to. It looks great in the current version of Netscape (Netscape
7). I suspect that you're probably referring to Netscape 4.x, though. If
you're worried because the fieldset border doesn't show up, that's because
Netscape 4.x doesn't support it. Netscape just ignores the fieldset tag,
which is fine. IT just means that people won't see the border.
As far as not being able to select multiple items, this works just fine.
People using a mouse can use a combination of the mouse and the CTRL key (in
Windows). People using the keyboard alone can do the following:
- Next message: Cohen, Lisa A.: "RE: Title attribute on span tags"
- Previous message: Jared Smith: "Re: Accessible Printing Alternatives?"
- Next message in Thread: Paul Bohman: "RE: accessible form feedback"
- Previous message in Thread: Joy M. Hyzny: "accessible form feedback"
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