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Re: Dynamic search results


From: deborah.kaplan
Date: Mar 1, 2016 9:53PM

I did an accessibility review of a whole slew of ILS and Next Gen systems about five years ago, most of which had some federated search. It will be five years out of date, but if you want, I can write to my old colleagues and see if I can get a copy of that review.

Deborah Kaplan

On Wed, 2 Mar 2016, J Vine wrote:

> Hello all,
> We are looking at vendor services for searching articles in an academic library. One of the options is a federated search, which means that the service goes out and searches several sources at once, and fills in the results as the sources respond.
> There are some examples here: http://www.deepwebtech.com/...product-trial/try-it-now/ When you do a search, the results page shows articles from the first few sources, then adds tabs and updates counts as sources respond, and eventually pops up a dialog giving the total number found, with the option to refresh the result list to show all articles.
> There are all kinds of issues with the results pages - document structure, alt text, form labels, mostly easy to fix. What I'm wondering about is how challenging it would be to make the dynamic updating in multiple locations really usable for a screen reader.
> Is anyone aware of a site that does something like this effectively? (I mean the dynamic updating, in any context.)
> Thanks,
> Jennifer Vine
> UX Designer
> Digital Library Systems & Services
> Stanford University Libraries
> > > > --