WebAIM - Web Accessibility In Mind

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Re: Accessibility training?


From: Jennifer Sutton
Date: May 2, 2016 12:45PM

A book I'd recommend, in terms of training, is _A Web for Everyone_:


There's a good deal of useful bonus material. It's not code-centric,
rather, I'd say that it's people and concept-centric.

Here's a blog post related to Accessibility Conferences by John Foliot.
While the question was about training, I thought some might not have
seen this list and would find it helpful:

And finally, I daresay that many of us, over the years, have learned a
good deal/conducted our own "self-training" by reading what's posted in
the field, on a regular basis. The weekly newsletter I never miss is this:

And here's my public thanks to Laura who, in my view, doesn't get the
recognition she deserves.
