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Re: Looking for input on appropriate ARIA states for mobile navigation menu button


From: Birkir R. Gunnarsson
Date: May 3, 2016 4:26AM

For menu construct on mobile I have used:

1. aria-expanded on the trigger element (a button is most appropriate,
a link will do the same though).
2. role="region and aria-labelledby="id of the trigger element" around
the list of links in that menu.
This has worked pretty well, once Voiceover decided to support
aria-expanded (iOS 8.4 update).

On 5/3/16, _mallory < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
> On Mon, May 02, 2016 at 10:51:32PM +0000, Bryan Garaventa wrote:
>> It is also helpful in some cases to surround the dynamically displayed
>> content in a landmark or named region for quicker navigation, such as on
>> iOS using the rotor.
> Michiel Bijl did some modal-dialog tests and when he added
> aria-labelledy and aria-describedby, it worked ok mostly
> with JAWS, NVDA and Orca, but didn't work well in VO.
> https://dir.rawr.eu/research/dialog/index.html
> Would this be because he navigated using regular page navigation
> and not the rotor? Would be good to know (I don't have a Mac).
> _mallory
> > > > >

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