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[link text] What is meant by "destination"?


From: Karl Brown
Date: May 3, 2016 4:59AM

Hi everyone,

WCAG success criteria 3.2.4 (constant identification) and 2.4.9 (links must
make sense out of context) suggest that when links on a page go to the same
destination they should have the same link text.

However, does that hold true when linking directly to an ID on the page, as
well as to the page itself?

e.g., a user is on page A.
Page A has a link to page B (the link's in the header so is site wide):
Page A also has a link to an ID/function on page B:

In this situation could the link further down on page A (i.e., not the one
in the header) have a different link text as technically the URLs they're
going to are different?

Karl Brown
Twitter: @kbdevelops
Skype: kbdevelops