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Seeking input on SC 2.4.7 & Screen Readers


From: Nicole
Date: May 3, 2016 8:06AM

While I have been a long time lurker on this list, this is my first
posting. I am hoping to receive some clarification on SC 2.4.7 (Focus
Visible) as it relates to screen readers.

In the application I am testing, visible focus is present when
navigating through the submenu items (links) of a drop down/fly out menu
in any browser being tested. When the HTML submenu link receives
visible focus in the form of a dotted rectangle.

However, when I enable JAWS or NVDA, this visible focus is lost. The
link context and the ability to interact with the submenu links are
still intact. It is just the visible focus that is no longer present.
Being a sighted user, I 'see' this. My question is...does this
constitute a failure for 2.4.7?

Nicole Bergstrom
Web Accessibility Consultant
Fairfax, Virginia
(c) 703-307-2438