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From: Krack, Joseph
Date: May 3, 2016 9:47AM

I just got hired at a large department in the state of California and will begin addressing how they produce their forms. Their forms and documents are in pretty bad shape in regards to accessibility.

One of the items I will address is font size. The rules they are currently use come from another even larger state agency and it allows font sizes from 6 to 12 on forms. Now obviously 6 is too small for most people to read (a large quantity of forms are still sent to the printer and filled in with pen and pencil by clients), but feel that I need some sort of 'official' documentation in order to convince them to stop using such small fonts. (something stronger than just common sense :) )

I don't believe WCAG or 508 says anything about font size (except in closed functionality systems), is there anything/any standard out there that addresses this? Any documentation I can use as ammunition.


Joe Krack