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E-mail List Archives

Re: Accessible Maps - Best Practices


From: Angel Chesimet
Date: May 3, 2016 10:15AM


It looks like Jennifer beat me to it, but I'll post here anyway:


Have a fabulous day, Angel

On 5/3/16, Jennifer Sutton < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
> Here is a collection of links about creating accessible maps.
> It is possible.
> I hope interested folks find what they need. As always, please check the
> dates and test, as needed; I have an appointment so am not able to vet
> as carefully as I might.
> It would be great if someone would write this up, as a one-stop kind of
> post, combining the bits of wisdom shared below.
> If someone does, I'd appreciate credit for providing the foundation.
> As a side note, when I send these collections, as many on this list know
> I often do, it's not because I spent an hour Googling. It's because I've
> spent years collecting and curating.
> Best,
> Jennifer
> http://twitter.com/jsutt
> ****
> Built with SVG:
> http://examples.simplyaccessible.com/svg-maps/
> https://app.prezentt.com/presentations/945/public
> http://wiki.accessibilityoz.com.au/doku.php/checklists/maps/start
> http://www.accessibilityoz.com/2014/07/someone-say-map/
> http://www.accessiq.org/news/news/2015/03/accessibility-tip-making-maps-accessible
> http://unobfuscated.blogspot.com/2013/11/accessible-google-maps.html
> http://www.pcc.edu/resources/disability/accessible-building-features.html#sy-cc-1
> http://accessibility.psu.edu/images/maps/
> > > > >

Angel Chesimet, MS, CRC, LPCi


Disability Services
Portland Community College
Rock Creek Mon/Wed Bldg: 9 Rm: 109
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