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Re: Using title attribute on non-anchor elements?


From: Patrick H. Lauke
Date: May 3, 2016 1:53PM

On 03/05/2016 20:12, Jonathan Avila wrote:
>> I briefly tested it for links, for <span tabindex="0"> items, and for an <input type="text">, and in all cases it displayed.
> This seems to work for me on Windows 10 with IE 11 but not Windows 7. What version of Windows did you use?

From earlier in the thread:

> it does work for me (in Windows 10 at least, and from memory in
Windows 8.1 too)

I believe this was a system-wide change in Windows starting with 8.1
(first spotted it in some Metro/Modern apps I audited on 8)

Patrick H. Lauke

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