WebAIM - Web Accessibility In Mind

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Needed: Participants for testing accessibility software


From: Caitlin Geier
Date: May 4, 2016 8:00AM

Deque Systems is looking for people who work in software and web
development who can help us improve our products! We build products that
help people and organizations make their websites, applications, and
digital content usable for people with disabilities.

We're looking to talk to people in these roles:

- Developers
- QA Analysts
- Accessibility Specialists

We are currently recruiting for interviews and usability tests - no
accessibility knowledge required! If we meet with you, we will thank you
for your time with a $50 Amazon gift card. Please visit this link to sign
up: http://goo.gl/forms/lvbSfB361G

Thank you!

Caitlin Geier
User Experience Designer