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Re: Implicit labeling dropped from WCAG?


From: James Nurthen
Date: May 6, 2016 12:12PM

I wish there were a way to delete W3C documents completely. I shudder at
the thought of someone referencing that ancient working draft doc thinking
they were doing the right thing.


On Fri, May 6, 2016 at 6:23 AM, Birkir R. Gunnarsson <
<EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:

> I agree with you guys, except for the fact that it is no longer, at
> least not officially, an official WCAG technique. That is the thing
> that surprised me the most.
> recognized
> This 2005 document (as old as the hills, at least in terms of
> accessibility on the web)advises against using implicit labeling?
> https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/WCAG20/WD-WCAG20-HTML-TECHS-20050211/#label-implicit
> This technique is depricated, true, but the latest version of WCAG
> does not have an advisory technique for implicit labeling, which is
> kind of funny.
> On 5/6/16, Steve Faulkner < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
> > A general comment, referring to this method as 'implicit' may infer
> > something that is untrue. In terms of exposing the accessible name to
> > accessibility APIs either method works. i.e. an input's accessible name
> is
> > provided and exposed by the browser. The IE issue was a bug and got
> fixed,
> > the dragon issue is an ongoing major bug in dragon not using the
> > standardised accessibility APIs
> >
> > --
> >
> > Regards
> >
> > SteveF
> > Current Standards Work @W3C
> > <
> http://www.paciellogroup.com/blog/2015/03/current-standards-work-at-w3c/>;
> >
> > On 5 May 2016 at 23:55, Birkir R. Gunnarsson <
> > wrote:
> >
> >> Me and a few colleagues ran into an issue with Voiceover on iOS 9 and
> >> implicitly labeled radiobuttons.
> >> For those who do not know, implicit labeling is when you wrap the form
> >> field to be labeled along with the label text in a label tag, like so:
> >> <label><input type="text" size="30">Please enter your name.</label>
> >>
> >> This is valid use of the label tag per HTML5 specification.
> >> But there used to be a WCAG technique that recommended implicit
> labeling.
> >> That technique is apparently deprecated.
> >> Does this mean that WCAG no longer recommends implicit labeling of form
> >> fields?
> >> If so, why?
> >> If anybody knows the background on this, I'd be curious.
> >> -B
> >>
> >> --
> >> Work hard. Have fun. Make history.
> >> > >> > >> > >> > >>
> > > > > > > > > >
> --
> Work hard. Have fun. Make history.
> > > > >