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Proper Markup on Web Pages


From: Brandon Keith Biggs
Date: May 11, 2016 10:45AM

Over the last 2 years I have seen an increasing tendency for websites to
just not use HTML in their websites.
For example, sites such as:

have headings on their homepages, but no headings anywhere else. Also, most
websites have blank sharing buttons:
or for their follow buttons, they just say "indigogo".

This tendency is being exacerbated by CMSes such as WordPress which have
plugins that people use without understanding that they are not accessible.
This should be a better thing, but when those plugin developers have no
interest in making their plugin accessible, everyone is out of luck.

Have other people noticed this tendency to not put headings, not label
links and put extensive non labled clickable elements on their pages?

What can be done to move more people to these standards?

My first thought is to require at least one heading on an html page unless
an explicit tag is given.
Another thing is to not show links that do not have text inside like: <a
href="http://brandonkeithbiggs.com/" id="l1"> </a>

Something I hear quite often from web developers is that native wigits are
too difficult to customize, so it is just easier to make their own. I don't
understand this, but this opinion is very detrimental to accessibility.
Thank you,

Brandon Keith Biggs <http://brandonkeithbiggs.com/>;