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Re: Travel Live departures and tables (Andrew Brandwood)


From: Mike Barlow
Date: May 12, 2016 7:13AM

Andrew, depending on how big your schedule is yes a table within a list
probably would get too confusing (if your table is small and the list
small). However, if you're doing a single page with lots of different
trains you might want to consider doing something like using a heading
(like an H2) for each train and then a table for the schedule for that
train. I've found that individuals who use screen readers tend to like to
go through the headings to find areas on a page to review then a table
within each heading makes it easy to browse.

Mike (Moore) also has a good point, you might want to try and reach out to
any individuals you know (or you could try contacting your local Easter
Seals office who often help out in situations like this) and run some
examples past them.

*Mike Barlow*
Web Application Developer
Web Accessibility/Section 508 SME

Lancaster, Pa 17601
Office: 732.835-7557
Cell: 732.682.8226

On Thu, May 12, 2016 at 8:59 AM, Moore,Michael (Accessibility) (HHSC) <
<EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:

> Have you considered doing some a-b user testing with people with
> disabilities?
> Mike Moore
> Accessibility Coordinator
> Texas Health and Human Services Commission
> Civil Rights Office
> (512) 438-3431 (Office)