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Re: Trouble with a menu in Druple


From: Ritz, Courtney L. (GSFC-7200)
Date: May 13, 2016 9:41AM

Hi again,

I found out that the menu they're using in Drupal is actually called Superfish. When you have any responsive themes on websites and the menu compresses to three bars instead of an actual menu its called a hamburger (because it kind of looks like a hamburger)

Can Superfish be made accessible?

From: Ritz, Courtney L. (GSFC-7200)
Sent: Friday, May 13, 2016 11:07 AM
To: WebAIM Discussion List < <EMAIL REMOVED> >
Subject: Trouble with a menu in Druple

Hello all,

Many apologies if this has already been discussed, I haven't had a chance to dig through the archives yet.

My organization's developers have migrated a lot of our sites to Druple. They're using an expandable-collapsible menu which they refer to as a "hamburger?" menu.
Anyhow, lately, my experience has been that I cannot see the menu at all using JAWS in IE. I can't expand or collapse it or anything. There's a "toggle navigation" button but I can't activate it with the keyboard.
In Firefox, I get all the menu links as if all the menus were expanded. While that makes for a huge list of links, it's better than having nothing at all.

Has anyone encountered this in Druple, and is there a fix or another menu that might work? I'm clueless when it comes to Druple, but I can pass any suggestions on to our developer folks.
