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Re: Trouble with a menu in Druple


From: Cliff Tyllick
Date: May 13, 2016 10:48AM

Courtney, Drupal sites are customized by adding individual modules to what is called the core code. The core code itself includes a connection of modules that are essential to creating a basic site. Modules not included in core are called contributed modules.

To be able to answer this question, I would need to know which module they are using to produce this menu. It might also be necessary to know which theme is producing the site's look and feel. (There are core and contributed themes, too.)

Once the problem is identified, then your developers must determine what's wrong:
' Something they did (or failed to do)?
' Something intrinsic to a core module (or theme)?
' Something from a contributed module (or theme)?

Of course, if they overlooked something or did the wrong thing, they need to fix your website. But the other two involve working with whoever develops the code.

If it's a core module or theme, they should see if this issue has already been reported as an issue for Drupal core and, if not, report it:

If it's a contributed module or theme, they should go to the module or theme's page on drupal.org and, if the issue hasn't been reported, report it.

Part of reporting the issue is to include a suggested fix, if they know one. By using free open source software, they are implicitly agreeing to help improve that software for everyone who uses it.

Your developers can broaden their resource base by joining Drupal groups that are relevant to their work. For example, the Accessibility (https://groups.drupal.org/accessibility), Mobile (https://groups.drupal.org/mobile), and Usability (https://groups.drupal.org/usability) groups might be interested in this topic and participate in fixing the issue.

By adding the issue to the appropriate queue and using the Drupal communities to touch base with other people who face the same problem, your developers can get the most out of Drupal, build their expertise quickly, and help make Drupal a better experience for everyone.

Good luck!

Cliff Tyllick
Accessibility Coordinator
Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services

Sent from my iPhone
Although its spellcheck often saves me, all goofs in sent messages are its fault.

> On May 13, 2016, at 10:25 AM, Mike Barlow < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
> Does the menu work at all in IE even without JAWS? If not then I'd address
> that problem first before trying to get it working for JAWS.
> *Mike Barlow*
> Web Application Developer
> Web Accessibility/Section 508 SME
> Lancaster, Pa 17601
> Office: 732.835-7557
> Cell: 732.682.8226
> e-mail: <EMAIL REMOVED>
> On Fri, May 13, 2016 at 11:06 AM, Ritz, Courtney L. (GSFC-7200) <
> <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> Many apologies if this has already been discussed, I haven't had a chance
>> to dig through the archives yet.
>> My organization's developers have migrated a lot of our sites to Druple.
>> They're using an expandable-collapsible menu which they refer to as a
>> "hamburger?" menu.
>> Anyhow, lately, my experience has been that I cannot see the menu at all
>> using JAWS in IE. I can't expand or collapse it or anything. There's a
>> "toggle navigation" button but I can't activate it with the keyboard.
>> In Firefox, I get all the menu links as if all the menus were expanded.
>> While that makes for a huge list of links, it's better than having nothing
>> at all.
>> Has anyone encountered this in Druple, and is there a fix or another menu
>> that might work? I'm clueless when it comes to Druple, but I can pass any
>> suggestions on to our developer folks.
>> Courtney
>> >> >> >> > > > >