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Re: generic html5 errors


From: Birkir R. Gunnarsson
Date: Jul 7, 2016 6:24AM

Check whether your form field errors pass WCAG 3.3.3
If more helpful instructions can be provided without risking the
user's secure data, it should be done.
E.g. if user enters 8 numbers into a SSN field, your error message can
say (soecial security number should be 9 characters), or if user enter
date of birth 02/0/1990 your error message could re-interate the date
format, even point out that the "day" portion of the date field is
missing a digit.
But for other fields a generic error message is all we can do.
If the name field is empty, that is all you can tell the user.
And if the user enters an invalid credit card number (doesn't match
the one on file), you cannot display that info in an error message as
it may compromise the security of the users payment info.


On 7/6/16, Howard Kramer < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
> Does a generic html5 error message such as "Please fill out this field"
> (for fields with required attribute) meet WCAG 2.0 success criteria?
> From my reading of the success criteria at
> https://www.w3.org/TR/UNDERSTANDING-WCAG20/minimize-error-identified.html
> it would seem that it does but wanted some other opinions.
> Thanks,
> Howard
> --
> Howard Kramer
> Conference Coordinator
> Accessing Higher Ground
> 303-492-8672
> cell: 720-351-8668
> Join us for the *Accessing Higher Ground Conference
> <http://accessinghigherground.org/>;* in Denver, Colorado, Nov 14-18, 2016.
> Request for proposals will be announced at the beginning of March.
> Complete program information and registration is open for our full line-up
> of webinars, *AHEADtoYOU!
> <http://ahead.org/learn/virtual-learning/webinars>;* And the *Technology
> Access Series <http://ahead.org/learn/virtual-learning/at_webinars_15_16>;*.
> Site capacities for all webinar events is limited; please register at your
> earliest convenience for the largest selection.
> Not yet a member of AHEAD? *We welcome you to join AHEAD now.
> <http://ahead.org/join/become-a-member>;*
> > > > >

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