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Re: [External] Links vs. static text URLs


From: Wright, Eric [USA]
Date: Jul 25, 2016 12:43PM

>> I'd say it's a problem that affects all users, not just those users with
>>potential disabilities, so not a specific WCAG failure, more of a
>>general usability issue.

Thanks Patrick, makes sense to me.

>> And I'd want to see the context.

Mostly webpages and PDFs. For the latter, it seems like if you're going to go to the trouble of tagging a PDF then adding a [Link] and [Link-OBJR] tag to a string of text that resembles (is?) a web address is trivial. For webpages, I couldn't imagine a scenario where I'd type a URL to a website without linking it (until you pointed one out below!), but it's distressingly common.

>>For example I've seen situations where the active link is on a more descriptive set of words, but the URL is provided for visibility if printed.

That's clever! Strikes me as a "best of both worlds" scenario. Provided that the plain URL is associated with the link (through proximity, reference, or another structure), I'd be inclined to call this a non-issue. The link is still there (on the descriptive words) for folks who want an easy way to retrieve the linked content.

Eric Wright
Lead Technologist
Mobile 802-310-9138