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Re: Interaction with tab panels


From: Jamous, JP
Date: Aug 4, 2016 7:01AM


Quite interesting as I faced it myself first-hand when I taught blind folks how to use JAWS. The average person lacks the understanding of containers and how each responds to keyboard commands. I know because I have been a programmer and a JAWS scripter too. Yet, on some dropdowns, I do wonder sometimes which will make me go through the menu items as the developer might use tab and shift + tab rather than arrow keys.

A prime example, JAWS and the worthless ribbon bar in Office. You can tab or shift + tab with it or use the arrow keys. Sometimes, you cannot use the up or down arrow keys and you have to use the left or right ones.

Please, give me my dropdown menus again. The ribbon is terrible and even sighted folks agree with me. Most of them including programmers do not like the ribbon bar.

I agree that a standard should be enforced in this regard.