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Re: ::after for doc types


From: John Foliot
Date: Aug 4, 2016 8:50AM

or, rather...

$(this).append('text <img src="docIcon.png" alt="word document">');

(without the alt text, it remains inaccessible ;-) )


On Wed, Aug 3, 2016 at 10:00 AM, Swift, Daniel P. < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:

> You could use JS to check links on page load and append the icon to the
> link if the href ends in docx (for instance). I would think that would
> work okay.
> Before:
> <a href="something.docx">text</a>
> After:
> <a href="something.docx">text <img src="docIcon.png"/></a>
> In jQuery, something like:
> $(document).ready(function(){
> $('a[href$="docx"]').each(function(){
> $(this).append('text <img src="docIcon.png"/>');
> });
> });
> My syntax might be a little off, but that would be the gist. Obviously
> include appropriate accessibility tags to go along with the image.
> -Dan