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Re: Web applicationtesting
From: Jamous, JP
Date: Aug 5, 2016 6:08AM
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Automate than manual evaluate.
That's what I always tell our developers.
1. With automation you get to eliminate issues faster, but you miss out on details.
2. With a SR, you get first-hand experience with what is going on. Here it is important to use both JAWS and NVDA to identify the differences.
3. Once you identify the difference, you can write your code or modify it to find the balance or sweet spot.
I also advise our devs to refrain from using ARIA unless necessary. I have seen heavy ARIA sites that either crash JAWS or Internet Explorer.
ARIA was developed to be like medics. In other words, it comes to the rescue when there is an urgency to get something working. Otherwise, you should always check with your doctor to stay away from emergency situations. That's where you use proper semantic.
With proper semantic, all ATs function properly. With ARIA, each team or SR has its own way of coming to the rescue. I hope that makes sense.
- Next message: Tim Harshbarger: "Web application testing"
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