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Mysterious JAWS voice change


From: Shane Anderson
Date: Aug 5, 2016 3:42PM

Hello All,

The aria-describedby text for a text input speaks in a low and slow (some
have described it as demonic) voice under certain conditions. It occurs
while running JAWS 17 and IE11 when a 5 digit number (or the number set in
the speak single digits setting) is typed in the input and the user returns
to the field.

Case in point, if you go to the aria-describedby example at
http://heydonworks.com/practical_aria_examples/#input-tooltip and type
12345 in the "Your username" field, then tab away, and then tab back, the
describedby text will read in a lower and slower voice.

It won't happen if you type in text. It only happens with a number with 5
or more digits.

Anyone know what this voice is for?

Shane Anderson